About Me

Welcome 👋! I'm Kenny, a passionate Software Engineer with expertise in web development, cybersecurity, and cloud computing. Over the past three years, I've developed myself coding in different programming languages including Java, JS/TS, Golang, PHP, Python, and C++.

I am actively involved in Stack Surge, a community-driven platform where I share my experiences and tackle technical challenges. Stack Surge is my way of contributing back to the tech community by documenting the highs and lows of my technology journey, offering tutorials and technical content, and also working on projects that push the boundaries of innovation.

My enthusiasm for technology isn't confined to just coding; I love to explore new tech opportunities and share those learnings through blogging, making complex topics accessible and engaging. Outside of coding, I enjoy photography and music, and I'm currently learning Piano. I also like writing and blogging. Outside of professional projects, I engage deeply with the tech community and constantly check out new trends and technologies.

If you're interested in technology exploration and collaborative projects, feel free to connect with me on GitHub, or LinkedIn, or follow the developments on Stack Surge. Let's innovate and learn together in this exciting tech landscape.