Embarking on a Journey of Technology Mastery and Innovation

Join me on Stack Surge as I explore the world of technology, mastering skills, building innovative projects and sharing insights every step of the way.

Stack Surge is all about exploring the exciting worlds of Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity, Data Structure and Algorithm, System Design, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. The goal is to break down complex technical topics in a way that's easy to understand. Join me as I explore these exciting tech areas, sharing knowledge to help fellow enthusiasts improve their skills

Focus Areas

Key areas of exploration and mastery on Stack Surge.

  • Cloud Computing

  • Cybersecurity

  • DSA & System Design

  • AI / ML

Community Engagement

Sharing knowledge through blogs, talks, and collaborations with the tech community.

Join the Stack Surge Journey

Follow my journey on monthly newsletters, engage with my content, and let's push the boundaries of technology together.